Congratulations to Dr Natalie McArthur, who was just awarded her PhD with Distinction!

Editor's note:

Natalie McArthur, PhD delivered an unforgettable and impressive thesis defense.  She summarized years of challenging protein purifications, structural studies, and insight into how "Greek island hub" binding complexes contribute to singularity of OSN choice.  Her friends, colleagues, and family, including two scientist parents, joined the lecture and asked some great questions.  The project and mentoring was joint across two Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Labs at the Zuckerman Institute/Jerome Greene Science Center, highlighting the power that comes from great collaborations.  After an hour of tough questions at her closed-door portion of the defense, Natalie walked out with her characteristic smile.  We know any company out there is lucky to have her, but we are so glad to retain her just a little while longer. Congratulations!

September 08, 2024

Congratulations to Dr Natalie McArthur, newly minted PhD, awarded with Distinction!